A total of 1815 people attending Queen Elizabeth University Hospital A+E department over the first fortnight of January had to wait more than 4 hours to be seen, according to the latest routine data from NHS Scotland.
Scottish Labour’s Pam Duncan-Glancy MSP has again hit out at the Health Secretary as NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde continues to miss the A+E four-hour treatment time target.
In 766 cases Glaswegians were forced to wait more than 8 hours for treatment at the flagship hospital’s Accident and Emergency, whilst 278 had to wait more than 12 hours.
Despite an SNP government commitment to see 95% of patients within four hours, more than half (46.4%) of all attendees at Glasgow A+E departments had wait times exceeding the target time in the first week of January, dropping to 38.5% the following week.
This figure has fallen dramatically in recent years, with the number of people waiting longer than the target time dropping from 84% in the first week of January 2021
Commenting, Scottish Labour MSP Pam Duncan-Glancy said: “Week after week these figures are showing how bad things have got for the NHS.
“Things are not improving at the pace or on the scale necessary to make sure people in Glasgow get the healthcare they need, its actively getting worse.
“People are being forced to wait for hours just to be seen in A+E, and that is a direct consequence of 15 years of mismanagement by the SNP – and a health secretary that doesn’t have a plan to fix the chaos playing out in front of his eyes.
“Hardworking staff are being let down, and patient safety put at risk.
“It’s long been time for the Cabinet Secretary to go. Urgent government intervention is needed to address this emergency, along with a health secretary that is fit for the job.”
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