Pam Duncan-Glancy MSP met with Jo’s Cancer Trust last week during the charity’s Parliamentary Event for Cervical Cancer Prevention Week (23rd-29th January.)
The- purpose of the week is to raise awareness of cervical cancer in the UK and calls for action through innovation to eliminate the illness which currently kills two women in the UK every day.
The Glasgow Labour MSP is encouraging woman across the city to attend their cervical screening when they are invited, and by supporting the efforts of the HPV immunisation programme.
Cervical screening coverage is just 65.4% in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, meaning that more than a third of women do not attend their screening when invited.
In its latest report, the UK’s leading cervical cancer charity found that only 17% of health professionals working across cervical cancer prevention think enough is currently being done to eliminate cervical cancer in the UK. Only 20% think enough is being done to ensure high levels of HPV vaccine uptake, and just 16% believe that enough is being done to support cervical screening uptake.
Commenting Pam Duncan-Glancy MSP said:
“There is more we need to do in Glasgow to protect women and consign this cancer to the history books and I was delighted to have had the opportunity to meet Jo’s Trust and discuss how we can all work together to do that. Smear Tests and HPV vaccines can both help prevent cervical cancer, and I would encourage everyone who can, to get the vaccine and have their smear tests.
“Like Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, I recognise that attending a screening isn’t always easy, but Jo’s Trust are there for you with information and support if you ever need them. together we can ensure that we consign this cancer to the history books and I’m determined that Glasgow will play it’s part in doing that.”
Samantha Dixon, Chief Executive at Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust said: “A world without cervical cancer doesn’t have to be a pipe dream. The UK has the tools to make it a reality which is incredibly exciting. We need Government action to get there as soon as possible, but everyone can play their part. Going for cervical screening when invited, and making sure your child is vaccinated against HPV, will help make cervical cancer a thing of the past.
“We must also continue to invest in research, improve access to treatments, and banish the stigma and blame that too often comes with a cervical cancer diagnosis. Being forward looking should not mean those living with and beyond cancer get left behind."
To get involved with Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, and the #WeCan End Cervical Cancer campaign, follow Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust on social media or visit the website at jostrust.org.
Notes to Editor:
For interviews, further comment or case studies, contact: media@jostrust.org.uk or call 07772 290 064 or 07800 825 051.
Cervical Cancer Prevention Week runs from 23-29 January 2023 and Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust is launching its biggest ever campaign – to End Cervical Cancer. Join in to raise awareness of HPV vaccination and cervical screening, call for Government action, and take up your own invites. www.jostrust.org.uk/ccpw
Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust is the UK’s leading cervical cancer charity, providing information and support to anyone affected, and campaigning for excellence in cervical cancer treatment, care, and prevention. Its national Helpline is free, confidential, and available on 0808 802 8000. www.jostrust.org.uk
Jo’s collaborated with Hogarth Worldwide, part of WPP on a pro bono basis to develop the We Can campaign to End Cervical Cancer https://youtu.be/MzPympAGFfU
Research consisted of a survey of 848 individuals working within cervical cancer and treatment. This includes practice nurses, clinical nurse specialists, biomedical scientists, radiographers, oncologists, and researchers.
Latest cervical screening statistics
Public Health Scotland: Scottish cervical screening programme statistics (2021) https://publichealthscotland.scot/publications/scottish-cervical-screening-programme-statistics/scottish-cervical-screening-programme-statistics-annual-update-to-31-march-2021/#:~:text=For%20the%20period%20reported%2C%20cervical,from%20March%20to%20June%202020. NHS Digital: Cervical Screening Programme England 2021-2022 https://digital.nhs.uk/data-and-information/publications/statistical/cervical-screening-annual/england-2021-2022
Cervical Screening Programme, England - 2021-2022 [NS] - NDRS - NHS Digital Cervical Cancer Screening Programme Statistics, England, 2021-2022. Annual report presenting summary statistics for the NHS Cancer Screening Programme. Key stats include coverage, number of individuals tested, number invited. Includes report, data tables (excel and csv), interactive dashboard. digital.nhs.uk